

Human Overlord3D printing, Cosplay, Marvel

I love to create, but I am not great at finishing things. I have created quite a few cosplays over the last few years. Well, I started a bunch of cosplays that ended up at various levels of completion before I ran off and started another one. For me, starting a cosplay is easy. I review as many photos of the character as I can find, obsessing over the details and then once I have all of the details worked out and how I want to assemble everything my mind shifts. That imaginative process is what drives me. I love working on projects, designing and printing parts, assembling the pieces. But I never fully get to “complete”. I spent hours and hours on the Starlord helmet (made before you could just buy them). I bought the jacket and shirt, printed the blasters and them left them printed in a box, never sanded or painted. Over the next few posts we are going to Finish Starlord, after many, many years.